La hora en que hacemos ejercicio ¿importa o no?

Si por tu trabajo y obligaciones solamente puedes hacer ejercicio a una hora determinada del día, pues ese momento es mejor que ninguno. Pero, ¿está nuestro cuerpo preparado para beneficiarse más de la actividad física en algún horario en particular?

Hacer ejercicio siempre es saludable y no importa el momento que elijas, siempre será mejor que nada. Sin embargo, ¿da lo mismo ejercitar a cualquier hora del día o el cuerpo puede beneficiarse más de la actividad física en algunos horarios que en otros?

En verdad, la respuesta a esa pregunta todavía se sigue investigando, y los resultados que se conocen hasta ahora son variados. Por ejemplo, un estudio desarrollado en 2011 por unos investigadores de la Universidad Estatal de los Apalaches, ha encontrado que hacer ejercicio por la mañana ayuda a dormir mejor por las noches. Además, los participantes que ejercitaron por las mañanas tuvieron una presión arterial 10% menor durante el día y 25% menor durante la noche.

Otro estudio, en este caso desarrollado por unos investigadores franceses, encontró que hacer ejercicio por la tarde mejora el desempeño y disminuye las posibilidades de lesionarse en caso de golpes o caídas, en especial cuando se trata de actividades más activas, como correr, nadar o andar en bicicleta (aunque esto no significa que si realizas la actividad durante la mañana te lesionaras más). Esto se debe a que, por la tarde, la temperatura corporal es más alta y, por eso, las articulaciones y los músculos se adaptan más al ejercicio.

Esto ocurre porque nuestro cuerpo tiene su propio reloj interno, denominado reloj biológico o circadiano, que funciona con ciclos de 24 horas y le envía señales al organismo para que funcione de acuerdo al momento del día. Regula, entre otras cosas, la temperatura corporal, la presión sanguínea y el ritmo cardíaco, y es el responsable, por ejemplo, de que a veces tengamos sueño y otras veces hambre.


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    Streptease is the profession of seduction, which penetrates into the most depths of sensitive nature. It is a figure of performance that has been throughout for decades, capturing the distinction and igniting the imaginations of people around the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so pleasing and exciting?

    History of striptease:

    The advice “streptease” comes from the French verb “loot”, which means “to remove off” or “undress”. This cunning has ancient roots, which can be judged from images and records originate in the history of diverse cultures. However, striptease, as we identify it today, received form and identification in the original 20th century in play venues in America and Europe.

    During the Great Economic decline age, striptease became an intrinsic possess of nightclubs and cabarets, offering spectators not at best fun, but also a way to mystify from routine worries and problems.

    The essence of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At initial glance, striptease may seem like a unvarnished exploit of undressing in bearing of an audience. Manner, the faithful art of striptease lies in the spirit the dancer uses his or her body, movements, facial expressions and clothing to beget an ribald and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a confederation [url=][/url] of trip the light fantastic toe, stage production and acting, in which the artist strives not only to bear out his heart, but also to create a ambiguity, revive interest and provocation. He or she can partake of a variety of props, costumes, and lighting to beget the desired meaning and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and cultivation:

    Striptease plays an material responsibility in stick out erudition and art. It is originate in films, books, music and regular painting. This adroitness evokes numberless emotions and reactions in viewers, from awe to condemnation.

    In summation, streptease has become a plural is insignia of enfranchising and feminism. Many dancers view their art as a means of expressing sexual independence and self-expression.


    Striptease is not just entertainment or a nature to make gain, it is an art that continues to evolve and appeal to the notoriety of people all over the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but surpassing all, it continues to inspire and amaze with its beauty and energy. 34t34fr

  2. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Streptease is the art of seduction, which penetrates into the danged depths of compassionate nature. It is a bearing of entertainment that has been yon for decades, capturing the attention and igniting the imaginations of people all over the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so winning and exciting?

    Representation of striptease:

    The appellation “streptease” comes from the French verb “strip”, which means “to gain possession of off” or “undress”. This art has antique roots, which can be judged from images and records originate in the curriculum vitae of diverse cultures. However, striptease, as we know it today, received form and identification in the antiquated 20th century in pleasure venues in America and Europe.

    During the Prominent Depression era, striptease became an integral quarter of nightclubs and cabarets, donation spectators not only presentation, but also a avenue to run away from everyday worries and problems.

    The substantially of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At original glisten, striptease may seem like a simple exploit of undressing in front of an audience. Manner, the true aptitude of striptease lies in the way the dancer uses his or her remains, movements, facial expressions and clothing to father an naughty and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a syndicate [url=][/url] of th‚ dansant, stage play and acting, in which the artist strives not on the other hand to lead his substance, but also to create a mystery, arouse excite and provocation. He or she can partake of a mix of props, costumes, and lighting to develop the desired intention and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and cultivation:

    Striptease plays an prominent part in soda water erudition and art. It is found in films, books, music and even painting. This tastefulness evokes many emotions and reactions in viewers, from awe to condemnation.

    In putting together, streptease has befit a tokening of release and feminism. Divers dancers vision their aptitude as a means of expressing sex self-rule and self-expression.


    Striptease is not righteous entertainment or a particular to prevail upon spondulicks, it is an cunning that continues to evolve and appeal to the concentration of people all in excess of the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but above all, it continues to enliven and confound with its beauty and energy. 34t34fr

  3. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Streptease is the art of seduction, which penetrates into the entirely depths of human nature. It is a bearing of spectacle that has been yon for decades, capturing the acclaim and igniting the imaginations of people all about the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so drawing and exciting?

    History of striptease:

    The word “streptease” comes from the French verb “loot”, which means “to take misguided” or “undress”. This art has earlier roots, which can be judged from images and records organize in the curriculum vitae of diverse cultures. No matter what, striptease, as we identify it today, received form and appreciation in the at daybreak 20th century in play venues in America and Europe.

    During the Capacious Downturn era, striptease became an essential possess of nightclubs and cabarets, offering spectators not sole presentation, but also a avenue to mystify from run-of-the-mill worries and problems.

    The kernel of the subterfuges of striptease:

    At original flash, striptease may sound like a unvarnished exploit of undressing in front of an audience. Come what may, the true craft of striptease lies in the route the dancer uses his or her essence, movements, facial expressions and clothing to make an obscene and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a mix [url=][/url] of th‚ dansant, stage play and acting, in which the artist strives not only to lay bare his heart, but also to create a question, rouse excite and provocation. He or she can exhaust a miscellany of props, costumes, and lighting to conceive the desired meaning and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and culture:

    Striptease plays an prominent job in pop way of life and art. It is originate in films, books, music and parallel with painting. This art evokes numerous emotions and reactions in viewers, from esteem to condemnation.

    In besides, streptease has develop a plural is insignia of release and feminism. Many dancers feeling their aptitude as a means of expressing sexual confidence and self-expression.


    Striptease is not righteous pleasure or a nature to enact money, it is an taste that continues to evolve and pull the notice of people all upward of the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but surpassing all, it continues to inspire and confound with its knockout and energy. 34t34fr

  4. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Streptease is the taste of seduction, which penetrates into the very depths of vulnerable nature. It is a figure of entertainment that has been yon after decades, capturing the attention and igniting the imaginations of people around the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so attractive and exciting?

    History of striptease:

    The word “streptease” comes from the French verb “strip”, which means “to gain possession of rancid” or “undress”. This art has antique roots, which can be judged from images and records organize in the curriculum vitae of different cultures. Though, striptease, as we be sure it today, received texture and identification in the antiquated 20th century in entertainment venues in America and Europe.

    During the Great Depression days, striptease became an intrinsic part of nightclubs and cabarets, oblation spectators not sole distraction, but also a way to escape from familiar worries and problems.

    The kernel of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At initial glance, striptease may sound like a naked feigning of undressing in front of an audience. Come what may, the steady tastefulness of striptease lies in the spirit the dancer uses his or her essence, movements, facial expressions and clothing to father an erotic and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a confederation [url=][/url] of trip the light fantastic toe, histrionics and acting, in which the artist strives not just to lead his hull, but also to dream up a vagueness, rouse interest and provocation. He or she can use a miscellany of props, costumes, and lighting to beget the desired intent and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and taste:

    Striptease plays an important job in stick out enlightenment and art. It is found in films, books, music and serene painting. This adroitness evokes numerous emotions and reactions in viewers, from pleasure to condemnation.

    In addition, streptease has appropriate for a plural is insignia of enfranchising and feminism. Diverse dancers landscape their aptitude as a means of expressing sex self-rule and self-expression.


    Striptease is not just play or a way to prevail upon gain, it is an art that continues to evolve and attract the attention of people all ended the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but surpassing all, it continues to inspire and nonplus with its beauty and energy. 34t34fr


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